Easily calculate various taxes payable in Germany

Online Calculators for German Taxes

2025, 2024 and earlier


Income tax calculator

Do you want to quickly calculate the probable amount of your income tax when working in Germany? Use our income tax calculator to calculate the tax burden resulting from your taxable income.

To the income tax calculator

Tax assessment calculator

Spouses can choose between joint tax assessment and individual tax assessment for spouses. The assessment calculator tells you which type is more favourable for you.

To the tax assessment calculator

Tax refund calculator 2024

The majority of taxpayers can expect to be reimbursed for overpaid taxes. Use our calculator to determine the tax refund you can expect in your individual case.

To the tax refund calculator 2024

Tax consultant cost calculator

The Tax Advisor's Fee Regulations (StBVV) specifies exactly what fees a tax consultant may charge. Our calculator tells you what costs you will have to expect depending on your tax case.

To the tax consultant cost calculator

Pension tax calculator

Do you have to pay tax on your entire pension or only part of it? With our calculator for the taxation of pensions, you can quickly and easily determine the taxable portion of the pension and the pension allowance amount.

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Riester pension calculator

Is a Riester contract for pension provision worthwhile to you? We will calculate for you the potential state subsidies for a private retirement plan.

To the Riester pension calculator

Inheritance tax calculator

While the government receives part of the property inherited, there are substantial tax-free allowances for close relatives. The calculator shows the inheritance tax depending on the family relationship.

To the inheritance tax calculator

Gift tax calculator

You may have to pay gift tax if you receive a generous gift. With our calculator, you can quickly determine how much tax the state will charge.

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Wage tax calculator

How much net is left from your salary? With our net wage calculator, you can calculate your net income after deducting all social security contributions and taxes.

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Tax class selection for married couples

Married couples are allowed to change the tax class once a year. Which tax class is the most favourable for you as a married couple?

To the tax class calculator for married couples

Motor vehicle tax calculator

Whether it's a diesel, petrol or electric car, motorcycle, truck or camper: With our calculator for motor vehicle taxes, you will know how much tax will be due for your new vehicle even before you buy it.

To the motor vehicle tax calculator

Unemployment benefit calculator (Arbeitslosengeld I)

The amount of unemployment benefit I depends on the salary subject to social security contributions over the last twelve months before unemployment. With our calculator, you can easily determine the amount of your unemployment benefit I.

To the unemployment benefit I calculator

IBAN calculator

The IBAN calculator computes and validates your national account number and generates in conjunction with the bank code your proper IBAN (International Bank Account Number).

To the IBAN calculator

Currency converter

You are travelling outside the Euro zone and don't know the exchange rate? No problem! With our currency converter you get the current exchange rates for more than 40 currencies.

To the currency converter

Working days calculator

With our calculator, you can easily calculate the number of working days for the years 2024, 2023 or any other period.

To the working days calculator