Schlagwort: deadline

Deadline approaching: This is how to apply for an extension!

Abgabefrist naht: So beantragen Sie eine Fristverlängerung!

If you cannot meet the submission deadline of 2 September 2024 for your tax return 2023, you should apply for a deadline extension. Otherwise, you may face a late submission surcharge. But don’t worry! As a rule, the tax office accepts a slight delay of a few days or a week without any problems.

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Termin złożenia zeznania podatkowego 2023

Wcześniej termin ten upływał 31.07. Jednak ze względu na koronawirusa termin składania zeznania zmienia się z roku na rok. W przypadku zeznania podatkowego za 2023 r. termin został ustalony na 31.08.2024 (02.09.2024) r.
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Deadline 2023: How to apply for a deadline extension!

Abgabefrist naht: So beantragen Sie eine Fristverlängerung!

If you cannot meet the submission deadline of 2 October 2023 for your tax return 2022, you should apply for a deadline extension. Otherwise, you may face a late submission surcharge. But don’t worry! As a rule, the tax office accepts a slight delay of a few days or a week without any problems.

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Obligation to submit a tax return for employees: When is a tax return necessary?

Nachversteuerung: Zinsen aus Privatdarlehen

As an employee, income tax, solidarity surcharge and, if applicable, church tax are normally deducted monthly from your salary and transferred directly to the tax office. In most cases, this would fulfil your tax obligation and you would not have to file a tax return, especially if you have remained single and at your job throughout the year.

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Termin złożenia zeznania podatkowego 2022

Wcześniej termin ten upływał 31.07. Jednak ze względu na koronawirusa termin składania zeznania zmienia się z roku na rok. W przypadku zeznania podatkowego za 2022 r. termin został ustalony na 30.09.2023 (02.10.2023) r.
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Tax return 2022: Deadlines are set

Tax return 2022: Deadlines are set

Since February 2022, the Federal Government (Bundesregierung) and the Federal Council (Bundesrat) have been debating the draft law for the Fourth Corona Tax Relief Act. On 19th May 2022, the Fourth Corona Tax Relief Act was now passed in the Federal Parliament (Bundestag) by the coalition and with the consent of the CDU. In addition to further support measures to cope with Corona, the law also included new deadlines for the submission of current and future tax returns.
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Tax return 2021: Deadlines are set

Tax return 2022: Deadlines are set

Since February 2022, the Federal Government (Bundesregierung) and the Federal Council (Bundesrat) have been debating the draft law for the Fourth Corona Tax Relief Act. On 19th May 2022, the Fourth Corona Tax Relief Act was now passed in the Federal Parliament (Bundestag) by the coalition and with the consent of the CDU. In addition to further support measures to cope with Corona, the law also included new deadlines for the submission of current and future tax returns.
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Missed the deadline? This is how you can apply for a deadline extension!

Abgabetermin verpasst? So beantragen Sie eine Fristverlängerung!

If you were unable to meet the new submission deadline of the 1st or 2nd of November 2021, you could face late payment penalties of up to 10 percent. But don’t worry! As a rule, the tax office does not mind if the tax return is submitted a few days or a week later. If you need more time, send an informal letter requesting an extension of the deadline. This is usually enough to postpone the submission deadline. Our sample letter will help you!

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Tax return 2020: The deadline for submission is approaching

Steuererklärung 2020: Ende der Abgabefrist naht

The Ministry of Finance of Thuringia has announced that the countdown for the tax return 2020 is running: The deadline for tax return submission is 31 October 2021 or the following working day. If the tax return is completed by a tax advisor or income tax assistance association (Lohnsteuerhilfeverein), the new submission deadline ends on 31 May 2022 (FinMin Thuringia as of 14.09.2021).

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Więcej czasu na zeznanie podatkowe 2020

Mehr Zeit für die Steuererklärung 2020

Dobra wiadomość dla wszystkich podatników, którzy nie mogą sporządzić zeznania podatkowego w czasie wakacji. Termin złożenia zeznania został przesunięty z 31 lipca 2021 na 31 października 2021. 

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More time for the tax return 2020

Mehr Zeit für die Steuererklärung 2020

Good news for all taxpayers who do not want to deal with their income tax returns 2020 during the holiday season. The deadline for tax return submission has been postponed from 31 July 2021 to 31 October 2021.

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